Next level leadership, innovation and transformation are learned capabilities - muscle groups that must be developed and trained. We help leaders and teams prototype the inner game and outer game simultaneously.

CQ Consulting (we do the work together) or CQ Coaching (you & your team do the work).
Leaders are responsible for maximizing organizational effectiveness through their people. Whether you are rapidly scaling a vibrant/healthy culture, trying to detoxify an unhealthy culture, or simply strengthening your business platform to more quickly adapt to the external forces of change...your level of cultural intelligence and technical culture competency will either make it much harder or much easier.
The intent of CQ Consulting is to help leaders get beyond the generic…to the specific strategic levers that change how a company optimizes the power of their available intelligence (i.e., IQ, EQ, PHYSQ, SOCQ, and CQ) to boost organizational effectiveness.
CQ Consulting: (we do the work together)
A simplified, "short-hand" (not a short cut), expert-guided, data-driven culture process is needed to support leaders responsible for shaping culture. You need the right approach and the right kind of quant & qual data.
Codifying and "steering" culture is easier when you focus on the essential elements and avoid all the anecdotal noise, culture myths and drama-filled distractions that have no impact on your business. If you don't get sufficient strategic clarity and alignment upfront, you're screwed. Here's how to minimize friction, accelerate learning and move forward with focus + precision:
1) Culture Assessment & Improvement Planning - $250k + diagnostic
Managing a detailed plan for ~ 90 days to cover the assessment and improvement planning
Clearly articulating the purpose of this work and targeted outcomes/results
Forming and educating a small core team to lead the work
Capturing current improvement plans/strategies and related culture challenges as a foundation for assessment and improvement planning
Interviewing up to 10 senior leaders; Facilitating up to 5 virtual or in-person focus groups
Completing culture and climate surveys (i.e., Human Synergistics Organizational Culture Inventory & Organizational Effectiveness Inventory) with up to X,TBD individuals; with up to X, TBD OCI Ideal Culture model
Integrating qualitative and quantitative culture assessment results
Facilitating creation of a draft improvement plan and timeline with the core team
Preparing a debrief and improvement plan presentation for senior leadership in coordination with the core team.
Completing the debrief and improvement plan review with senior leadership.
Capture refinements to improvement plan.
Completing a final review with the core team and final refinement of the improvement plans
2) LT Virtual Group CQ Sessions - to support the SLT (part of #1)
The OCI/OEI debrief itself, is a considerable amount of data and storylines to absorb all at once. We find that most LT members benefit from being "warmed up” (during the months prior to debrief) with their own shared dialogue, and shared learning via metaphor, stories and frameworks (see bullets below) with time to let it "percolate". This way, we are helping them model the shared learning experience, building shared dialogue etc for their LT microculture.
Importantly too, when the OCI/OEI debrief happens, the LT members are receiving the data with a better understanding/orientation to what it means and how to process it vs being overwhelmed by it…and they are much more articulate with questions, better prepared and aligned with how they talk to others about what they are doing re: culture and why.
CQ virtual sessions (90-120 mins long)
"How Culture Works" Model - foundational frameworks​
difference between climate & culture
behavior norms to protect? vs evolve?
intro to circumplex & colors as learning aids
"How Culture Works Here?" - qualitative
"How Do We See, Think & Talk About Our Ideal Cutlure?" - data debrief
"Where Do We Want to Focus? Protecting? Evolving? Why?" - healthy debate over current and ideal culture strengths, gaps, business priorities, etc
Which norms affect which business priority?
Is this gap an issue? Should we take action?
What is the best lever for change for each issue?
3) Individual & Team Development, Aligned With Ideal Culture $120k
LT LSIs (i.e., Human Synergistics/360 diagnostic- Leadership Styles Inventory)
10 individual LSI I & II assessments, analysis of results and 10, 90 minute debriefs to focus on individual improvement areas
LT composite results review and education to help with connecting leadership impact to culture
LT Virtual Individual Application Coaching - “Next Level; Conscious Leadership”
10x 2, 60 minute coaching sessions each - working with their individual LSIs and helping each LT member build a personal development plan to "close the gaps" they wish to close
Supplemental coaching packages can be converted into 6 month packages for individuals at lower per/session rate
LT Virtual Group Training Sessions - “Next Level; Conscious Leadership"
Support leader development to increase performance under increased stress….including mindsets, new distinctions and essential skills (behaviors) that help minimize team friction/drama; improve team relationship and increase leadership effectiveness
3-4 virtual sessions (90-120 mins long)
Team members will learn about and practice with new distinctions of integral leadership in the context of relevant business situations.
4) CQ Coaching:(you & your team do the work)
Rather than doing the culture work with you, some client teams just want the expert advisory help - more like a "thinking partner" to help guide the process as needed.
CQ Advisory Package $90kk
Establish culture, leadership and business performance framing for an integrated culture competency effort
Create an initial project plan and timeline utilizing the three or four-phase template: Understand Why, Build a Baseline, Define Change, Learn and Sustain.
Planning calls every week: 90-minute planning calls with Steering Team and 60 minute planning calls with the internal improvement lead on alternating weeks for approximately 90 days
Complete a two-hour virtual training session with the Steering Team
Guide the qualitative assessment of current culture (history session, interviews, focus groups) to be performed by client team members
Advise and collaborate with client team to help them complete a detailed analysis of qualitative and quantitative feedback on the current culture and climate.
Support client preparation of the assessment results summary and proposed refinements to transformation implementation plans.
Complete two days of virtual or onsite coaching to collaborate with the Steering Team on finalizing the assessment results summary and proposed refinements to the transformation implementation plans (option to include presentation to Leadership Team).
Complete two 90-minute coaching calls to follow-up on the Leadership Team results debrief and improvement planning session.